The Adoption Workshop


On Thursday we headed to LA for a 2 day adoption workshop with IAC (Independent Adoption Center). As we arrived at the building and rode the elevator up to the 14th floor, I couldn’t help but feel nervous and excitement. I kept thinking how our lives were about to change forever, we’re going to have a family, and this is just the beginning of our journey.

I like to call this "the wall of happy" It showcases families with their babies.

I like to call this “the wall of happy” It showcases families with their babies.

When we opened the door to the office we were greeted by three joyful women. You could feel the office was full of love. In fact, every wall was covered with photos of smiling faces of parents, kids, and birth families. It was in that moment I realized our choice to have an open adoption was absolutely the way to go for our family. Love comes in so many forms; it’s silent, loud, powerful, comforting, supportive, honorable, and sometimes there just aren’t words. I’m exciting to know our future child will get to experience love in so many forms… it will be incredible to watch.

Dan taking notes

Dan taking notes

After a short time, 2 more couples joined us for the workshop. The first day was packed with information. We met our Adoption Coordinator, reviewed the process, learned how to create a letter and online profile, talked about the home study process, discussed adoptive parenting, and discussed tons of questions we all had. The following day we got to meet a birthmother and an adoptive family. What a busy 2 days it’s been! Now, my head is spinning with information, ideas, and to-do’s! All in all, we feel super prepared for what lies ahead. The contracts have been signed and we’re on our way to expand our family!

Following the workshop we had a picnic in Malibu to celebrate

Following the workshop we had a picnic in Malibu to celebrate

So, what’s next? We’ll hopefully go “live” in the next 3-4 months. To go “live” the home study must be complete, all of the documents have to be submitted and reviewed by IAC, and our birthparent letter must be approved, printed, and website complete. Once “live,” perspective birth moms can look for us. Then, it’s kind of like dating until we “match” with a birth mom. That’s when we’ll be in a what can be described as a committed relationship… After that, we wait for the baby to arrive.

How long is the wait? On average wait time for the whole process is about 15 months.

How can you help? Rght now it’s hard to say what exactly we need… but, word’s of encouragement are always appreciated 🙂

More later!


ABT National Training Curriculum… I Passed!


While my students were enjoying a nice break before summer classes started, me and four other teachers, from the studio, decided to try to become ABT National Training Curriculum Certified Teachers. For nine days, from 9am-4pm, we lived and breathed ballet, ballet, ballet! We listened to lectures, created combinations, critiqued, discussed theory, read, took class, and studied our butts off! Now after a month of waiting, I’m happy to announce that I passed!!! I’m an ABT National Training Curriculum Certified Teacher for Pre-Primary-Level 3!

9 Years!


We can hardly believe it’s been 9 years! Happy Anniversary to us!

This year we celebrate at the cabin in Bear Lake. While there enjoyed some famous raspberry shakes, took a long walk, read, and just enjoyed the peaceful setting by the lake. Seriously, it’s one on the most peaceful places on earth!



Ragnar Trail


Checked off another item on the bucket list! Well, maybe it only counts as half a check… Over the weekend, Dan and I headed down to Zions to so that I could run the Ragnar Trail with Josh & Tara’s team. I successfully ran the 3 mile and 8 mile trail, but sadly the race was cancelled before I could run my last 4 miles. Although I was super bummed I didn’t get to finish, I am thankful they stopped the race because I didn’t have the right apparel to run in the snow! (saved me from looking like a quitter ha!) Guess I’ll just have to try again next year!





Sorry everyone, looks like I haven’t updated the blog in a LONG time. I bet you’re wondering what we’ve been up to…

Check out our annual video!

Big Cottonwood Half Marathon


12 week training program

3 runs a week

Running with friends

Big Cottonwood Canyon



This run might become a tradition 😉

Wedding Time!


My little sister got married today!